Here are recipes I have made over the years or someone else has. They are not necessarily my own recipes. I have found them in magazines, gotten them from friends and from the internet, as well as cook books. I hope you can use them. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Home-Made Croutons

This recipe came from my wonderful daughter, Kylie. When she was at her dad's house for a while, (after her grandmother passed away in November) many family members were there. Her cousin's wife, showed Kylie how to make these wonderful things, they are super yummy!


French bread (just the plain baguette)
olive oil
herbs of your choice, we used an Italian Mix (Marjoram, Thyme, Rosemary, Savory, Sage, Oregano and Basil)
Garlic Salt (totally up to you)
Parmesan Cheese (again, up to you)

Take the bread and cut into strips. Dip them into the olive oil and then add your herbs and whatever else you want to use.

Cut into squares and then put on a cookie sheet and bake in oven at 400 degrees. I can't tell you the exact time, sorry, but somewhere between 10 and maybe 20 mins or longer depending on how crunchy you want them.

Kylie made these for us with 2 baguettes. One she left in the strips and we dipped them in our soup that night and the other she made into croutons.

Bon Appetite!

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